Best Duck Hunting Ear Protection

Duck hunting is fun, but it also needs preparation for the season. When you go duck hunting, you should always wear protective gear. Ear plugs or earmuffs are essential to protect your hearing from the loud calling and gunshots in the blind, but not the sharp whistling sound of ducks flying away. There are many … Read more

Do Fireworks Hurt Dogs Ears?

As the Fourth of July approaches, many people prepare for fireworks displays. But, while humans may enjoy the bright lights and loud booms, it’s essential to consider the effects of fireworks on our furry friends. Specifically, pet owners may wonder if fireworks hurt dogs’ ears. The answer is yes; fireworks can hurt dogs’ ears. Dogs’ … Read more

Does Loud Music Hurt Dogs Ears?

It’s great you’re here considering whether loud music can potentially harm a dog’s ears, as some pet owners have observed their dogs reacting to increased volume. Pet owners need to be aware of the effects of loud noises on their dogs’ hearing. Even though dogs have a higher tolerance for noise than humans, prolonged exposure … Read more

Best Ear Protection For Leaf Blowers

Leaf blowers are great for clearing leaves from lawns, gardens, and parks. But they also create a lot of noise pollution. And if you work outside, you probably already know how annoying loud noises can be. Earplugs and earmuffs aren’t just for the construction site; they’re also useful for protecting your hearing while working outdoors. … Read more

Glock Hearing Protection Reviews

Are you looking for the best hearing protection for your Glock shooting sessions? As a Glock enthusiast, I know how important it is to protect your ears from the loud noise of shooting. But with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, I’ll comprehensively … Read more

Best Ear Protection for Nascar Races

Nascar racing is dangerous and exciting. All the speed and intensity. Drivers get hit from behind, cars flip over, and drivers crash into each other. Fans are cheering, and the NASCAR announcer is making his calls. Most fans don’t know that hearing damage happens every race day. They wear cheap earplugs that don’t protect their … Read more

Do Soldiers Wear Ear Protection?

combat ear protection

It may be a side thought to many people who have not served in the armed forces, but the question remains valid; do soldiers wear plugs? Today, the answer is yes—soldiers do wear ear protection. However, as recently as the early 2000s, soldiers were going into combat without being required to wear army hearing protection. … Read more

What is NRR? (Noise Reduction Rating)

What is NRR?

If you’re someone who works with heavy and loud equipment, then you probably know that workplace safety is paramount. Not being adequately protected can cause a lot of health problems, including hearing loss. This is where hearing protectors with a high NRR rating come in. What is NRR, you may ask? This abbreviation stands for … Read more