Vitamins for Ear Health & Hearing Improvement

Chances are, most of us take some vitamins to maintain our health every day. But would you have thought that vitamin intake can also have an impact on your ear health?

Upholding a balanced diet and making sure you get enough vitamin intake is not only crucial for your overall health, but it’s also crucial for your ears.

Whether you choose to take supplements or make sure everything has been incorporated adequately in your diet is entirely up to you. Still, researchers have found that some vitamins and minerals work well in allowing your hearing to last you for as long as possible.

Keep in mind that there are other measures you will also need to take to improve your hearing, such as protecting your ears from loud noises and making sure that you listen to audio at an appropriate volume. Also, it is essential to consult with your doctor before taking any additional vitamins and minerals.

Can Vitamins Improve Hearing?

Vitamins can play a role in supporting overall health, including hearing health. While they may not completely reverse hearing loss or restore hearing function, certain vitamins have been identified as beneficial for maintaining healthy ears and potentially reducing the risk of hearing problems.

Antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E, help protect the inner ear from free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can contribute to hearing loss. Folate (vitamin B9) is essential for producing red blood cells and has been linked to age-related hearing loss. Potassium helps regulate fluid balance in the body, including the fluid in the cochlea, which is vital for hearing. Beta-carotene, found in foods like carrots, may also contribute to maintaining good hearing health.

Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, often found in fish, have positively affected hearing health. These nutrients may help support the overall well-being of the auditory system.

It’s important to note that while vitamins can benefit hearing health, maintaining a balanced diet and overall healthy lifestyle, including protecting the ears from excessive noise and seeking regular hearing check-ups, are also crucial for maintaining good hearing. Consulting with a healthcare professional or audiologist is recommended for personalized advice and guidance.

Can Vitamins Improve Tinnitus?

Ringing in your ears, also known as tinnitus, is undoubtedly unpleasant, and it’s something that unfortunately affects many people. While it’s not something that you can cure, nor has it been proven whether or not you can reduce the effects of tinnitus using vitamins, researchers have found that some vitamins help minimize ringing.

These mainly include magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B12. You can eat foods such as bananas, avocados, dark chocolate, citrus fruits, turnip greens and leafy greens to help maintain a healthy magnesium balance, or you can opt to take supplements.

Researchers have found that one of the causes of tinnitus could be a deficiency in these minerals, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider upping their intake.

The Best Vitamins for Ear Health

We briefly covered which vitamins and supplements are beneficial for your ears, but let’s cover each in detail.

According to some studies that have been conducted, researchers found that these are among the best vitamins and minerals that will improve or maintain your hearing health.

Suppose you experience noise-induced hearing loss due to exposure to loud sounds or have sensorineural hearing loss. In that case, these hearing vitamins will boost your immune system and improve your hearing health.


magnesium vitamin for healthy hearing

Like with tinnitus, many people have found that increasing their magnesium intake can help prevent hearing loss. When you are frequently exposed to loud noises, such as when you go to a concert, go shooting, watch fireworks, or work in construction, you will likely experience some hearing loss at one point in your life.

This happens because free radicals are formed in your inner ear, which then go on to destroy the tiny hair cells of the inner ear that help you hear. This results in hearing loss. Magnesium helps prevent free radicals from forming, which could prevent hearing loss.

Remember that you should use additional protection and measures to protect your ears, too. Aside from supplements, you can find magnesium in foods such as broccoli, nuts, leafy greens, and avocados.

Tip: Always wear earplugs at concerts to protect your ears from loud noise exposure.


Potassium is an essential mineral that is vital in maintaining overall health, including hearing health. It is an electrolyte that helps regulate fluid balance in the body, including the fluid within the inner ear, which is crucial for optimal hearing function.

Here’s how potassium supports hearing health:

Fluid Regulation: The cochlea, a part of the inner ear, contains fluid that is essential for transmitting sound signals. Potassium helps regulate the fluid balance in the cochlea, allowing for proper sound conduction and supporting normal hearing.

Nerve Signal Transmission: Potassium ions are involved in transmitting electrical signals along nerve cells, including those responsible for carrying auditory information from the cochlea to the brain. Adequate potassium levels support efficient nerve signal transmission, promoting the clear and accurate perception of sounds.

Foods rich in potassium include bananas, oranges, cantaloupes, avocados, spinach, and sweet potatoes.


Zinc is also a key ingredient in preventing hearing loss and other problems associated with hearing, such as tinnitus. While it has not been ultimately proven, some studies have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of zinc in patients with age-related hearing loss.

These studies have shown some improvement after taking a zinc supplement, and a zinc deficiency may cause ear-related problems. 

Keeping zinc as part of your diet or taking zinc supplementation can help you to withstand the effects of aging. And the best part is that zinc is a common ingredient in dark chocolate, so there’s nothing wrong with indulging here and there!

Vitamin D

Most people have been found to have some vitamin D deficiency, which can impact many systems in our bodies. But it may especially have an impact on hearing. 

Some studies have shown that having a vitamin D deficiency could be one of the causes of cochlear deafness. In addition to vitamin D, omega-three fatty acids have a significant impact on hearing as well. 

Many studies showed that people who eat plenty of fish, a food containing omega-three fatty acids and vitamin D, are less likely to experience age-related hearing loss since these supplements help strengthen the ears’ blood vessels and blood flow. 

So, it is also worth taking these ear health supplements or including them in your diet.


Antioxidants are also one of the most important minerals you can include in your diet, especially in improving your hearing health. The good news is that you can find this in many of your favorite foods, and it is also found in most vegetables and plant products.

Antioxidants are also found in many foods that will help other areas of this list so that you can stock up on all the necessary vitamins. Some common foods containing many antioxidants include nuts, asparagus, spinach, eggs, and broccoli

The primary way antioxidants work is similar to magnesium; they prevent free radicals from destroying the small hair cells in your ears.

When you are frequently exposed to loud sounds, for example, your body will form free radicals to fight against this, which will destroy nerve tissue and small hairs in your ear, causing deafness. Keeping anti-oxidants as the main ingredient in your diet is an excellent way to help prevent noise-induced hearing loss.

Folic Acid

Several medical studies show that people with low Vitamin B-9 (or folic acid) are more likely to experience hearing loss. This is because men and women with high levels of amino acid homocysteine are 65% more likely to suffer from hearing loss. After all, this amino acid reduces blood flow to the inner ear.

However, folic acid helps your body break down homocysteine and prevents the diminishing blood flow to the ear. You can find folic acid in spinach, beans, broccoli, eggs, and asparagus. So make sure you add these foods, and you’ll be helping your ear health significantly.

Vitamin A

One of the ways vitamin A supports hearing health is by contributing to the maintenance of the epithelial tissues in the inner ear. These tissues help transmit sound signals to the brain. Adequate levels of vitamin A support the integrity and health of these tissues, which is vital for optimal hearing function.

Vitamin A also plays a role in producing a protein called rhodopsin, essential for vision. While this may not directly impact hearing, it highlights the interconnectedness of different systems in the body. Overall health and well-being, including vision, can indirectly influence hearing health.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient with powerful antioxidant properties that help protect cells and tissues from damage caused by harmful free radicals.

Now, it is essential to remember that adequate consumption of vitamin C won’t help much if you do a lot to damage your hearing otherwise, but vitamin C has been proven to work. 

Concerning hearing health, vitamin C supports the proper functioning of the auditory system in several ways:

  1. Antioxidant Protection: The delicate structures of the inner ear are susceptible to oxidative stress. Vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative damage, thereby supporting the health of the inner ear.

  2. Collagen Synthesis: Collagen is a protein found in various tissues, including those in the inner ear. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, which contributes to the strength and integrity of the structures involved in hearing.

  3. Immune Function: Vitamin C is vital in maintaining a healthy immune system. By supporting immune function, it helps protect against infections and inflammation that could potentially affect the ears and hearing.

Researchers have found that adequate consumption and protection prevent 80 percent of hearing loss. In addition, fruits are one of the best ways to get vitamin C, especially oranges.

Vitamin C is widely available in many fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, broccoli, and spinach. Consuming a balanced diet that includes these vitamin C-rich foods can help ensure an adequate intake of this essential nutrient and support overall hearing health.

Omega 3s

Studies have shown that the high levels of omega-3 fats found in fish, such as salmon, tuna, and trout, can positively affect hearing health. Consuming fish rich in these nutrients may help prevent or delay hearing loss.

Are There Essential Oils that Help Ears?

essential oils for hearing health

Some people claim that essential oils will help prevent hearing loss and make your ears stronger, but it has not been FDA-approved. Also, the FDA does not conduct any regulation of essential oils. 

But some people claim that there might be a correlation between using essential oils and improving hearing, so it might be worth mentioning a few essential oils to check out and mention to your doctor.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has plenty of positive effects on your body, and it might even be able to help you if you have a problem hearing. People recommend mixing tea tree oil, olive oil, colloidal vinegar, and apple cider vinegar four times a day and putting it in your ears. 

It is important to consult your doctor first, but some claim that tea tree oil will prevent long-term hearing loss.

Cajeput oil

Cajeput oil is one of the most popular oils that people claim will improve your hearing. You should take a few drops and massage them in front of and behind your ears to reverse mild hearing loss naturally.

Helichrysum oil

Many claims have also been that helichrysum oil can reduce mild to moderate hearing loss and promote healthy hearing.

Herbs to Improve Hearing

herbs to improve hearing

There are also claims that some herbs will work to improve your hearing and hearing health.

Since it has been proven that herbs can help your body, it is worth checking out some of them.


Gingko is a popular herb that works to help increase blood circulation throughout your body, including in your ears. If there is adequate blood circulation, your ears will function properly.


Garlic is also considered to be a healer of sorts. There are lots of things you can do with garlic for your body, but it is said that garlic helps to fight bacteria and infection – this is good to know for those who suffer from ear infections. You can either use garlic oil or the raw garlic itself.

You can put garlic drops in your ears, or you may consume it raw or as a part of your food diet. Make sure you check out our review of the Mullein Garlic Ear Oil, which is known to help relieve ear infections and symptoms of tinnitus.


Dried spearmint contains many folic acids, which have also been proven to help prevent age-related hearing loss. As a result, it’s an excellent ingredient to add to all sorts of foods, including tea and dessert.

Find the Right Supplements to Improve Your Hearing

Keep in mind that this information is not meant to substitute proper treatment from a medical professional, nor will taking vitamins, minerals, or herbs work to prevent hearing loss if you don’t protect your ears otherwise. 

However, making sure that you get adequate vitamins, such as vitamins A C and D, can help improve several functions of your body, which will also naturally improve the way your ears work. For example, maintaining proper blood circulation and consuming nutrients like vitamin C to fight against free radicals are sure to help you have good hearing for a long time!

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Vitamins to Reduce Tinnitus

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